
Showing posts from 2022

Automatic Resizing EBS Volume with AWS Lambda

An Amazon EC2 instance's Amazon EBS volume use may exceed permitted capacity when running active applications. This raises the possibility of a customer-impacting application outage when the provisioned capacity is used up, depending on the application in use.  Automatically resizing the EBS volume can go a long way to remedy the situation and save a lot of time. There is no longer a need to overprovision volumes. This method lowers your EBS cost by gradually increasing volume capacity as more space is required. Recently a client wanted a proactive way to manage EBS volumes to prevent outages due to increase in capacity. In this post, I will walk through the automatic EBS volume resizing process that developed for the client, see its architecture and learn some best practices.

Web Identity Federation with AWS Cognito

Overview and Definition In this project, I will show you how to implement a serverless application that uses Web Identity Federation. For most scenarios, I recommend that you use Amazon Cognito because it acts as an identity broker and does much of the federation work for you. For details, see the following section, Using Amazon Cognito for mobile apps . The application runs using the following technologies: S3 for front-end application hosting Google API Project as an ID Provider Cognito and IAM Roles to swap Google Token for AWS credentials Cloudfront for Edge Location  Cloudformation to setup the Environment  Web identity federation enables users of your application to sign in using a well-known external identity provider (IdP), such as Login with Amazon, Facebook, Google, or any other OpenID Connect (OIDC ) compatible IdP without the need to create custom sign-in code or manage your own user identities.  They can receive an authentication token, and then exchange tha...